A Chalk Painted Christmas

Chalk painting is one of my favorite things to do because it is so easy and you can create simple, beautiful pieces in your home.  And the best part, there’s no prepping.  That means, no sanding and no priming – just wipe your surface clean and you can begin. Below are a few projects you can do with your kids and create a little “festive” flair in your home.  This is what I like to call, Chalk Painted Christmas Tags.  And, all you need are a little inspiration and the two items listed below:

 Wooden Tags from Michael’s


Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Graphite


These two guys together can create endless possibilities in your home.  And since pictures are worth 1,000 words, I’m going to give you a lot to work with today. 😉

Moscow Muletide Holiday Drink Tags


Detox H2O Beverage Tag for the Day After


Baby Shower Drink Tag for Mama To Be


Holiday Dinner Tags for Sweet Layla


Bath Soap “Clean” Holiday Tag


These tags are so simple and create something a little special in your home.  So many gifts this Holiday Season seem to be monogrammed or personalized today.  This is just another creative way I discovered to achieve this look.  One picture I have yet to include is a tag on a wrapped gift.  This is how this idea began and since then, I’ve simply maximized it’s use in my home.  Whoever said they didn’t like a gift with their name on it? No one! Do this today and it’s sure to create a little noise at your next party. 😉

Happy Sunday all! I hope you’re enjoying a little downtime on this special day at HOME. ❤

O’ Christmas Card Tree

There is literally one month out of the year that I get excited to check the mail.  The other eleven months I can guarantee my mailbox will be filled with neighborhood flyers, bills and love letters from Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn and DSW telling me how much they’ve missed me over the past six billing cycles.  It’s at that moment it’s revealed to me how they have this target marketing thing down to a science.  And, how thankful I am that I have found greater joy these days in the intangible.

So, with this being the one month that your friends and family are wishing you peace, tidings and joy we must find a way to showcase these salutations.  Up until this last year, I was guilty as charged with hanging my Christmas cards on a door with magic tape.  And before that, I stalked out all of my “free” marketing magnets from Dr’s offices and hung our very favorites on the fridge for all to see.  The other idea I witness every year, is hanging them on your family Christmas tree. Don’t get me wrong, these are all great ideas. Because, at the end of the day these cards have pictures of those that you love wishing you all the best in the New Year to come.  And that my friends, is what it’s all about. But what if we could achieve that while making a statement and creating a floating, masterfully created piece of art.  My solution, a Christmas Card Tree.   Let me share mine with you. 


It starts with two things…  A wintery tree for you & me.




Drapery rings to hang the bling…





And together, they’ll find beauty for all to see…. 




Use your creativity and hang each card at different levels, heights and variations.  You can use as many or as little rings as you’d like.  I believe I have close to forty on this tree. I hope you find this little piece of Christmas inspiring enough to create in your own home.  Merry Christmas friends!  And remember, if you’ve ever near, you’re always welcome HOME. God Bless ❤


The 10 Designs of Christmas: A Holiday Series

I can’t believe it’s already December! I swore when I began this creative journey I would not give up… I wouldn’t go for more than two weeks without posting.  That was my goal. My goal now is to only put out work that people, friends like you, would want to read.  And that’s creating quality pieces that deliver inspiration to the world around us.  I call it selective writing another friend calls it obedience.  Either way, I’ll take it. 😉

 In this month of December, I’m excited to share that I will be embarking on a new journey.  I am going to share 12 of my favorite “festive” holiday design ideas with you.  These are the things that I’ve created in our home to help rekindle the Christmas spirit within us.  It is my hope that you may use one; or if I hit a home run, two ideas, in your own home.  So here it goes….  I’m signing myself up willingly for intentional accountability.  This month I will be embarking on a project called, The 10 Designs of Christmas: A Holiday Series.  I hope you will join me for more!

Now, because we’re officially accountability partners, I should share a little something with you. Confession: It was my full intention to start this project yesterday. But, let’s be completely honest… Well, let me ask you: Do you know what yesterday was? It was that magical shop-holiday that one marketing genius across America created just for those that fall prey to a fantastic deal. Yes, Cyber Monday! And sadly, their prey… Muah.  Every time I planted myself in front of the computer, mysteriously and uncontrollably my fingers began to type “Cyber Monday Deals USA Today” in my google search engine.  You can check my cookies. I’m not even kidding.  Please pray for me… I clearly have problems.

Okay, so now that the slate is clean, let’s kick this design series off right. Do you remember that old door that I found downtown at a salvage yard? This summer I posted a picture of it and it looked a little like this…




And now, it looks a little like this…




What I love most about it is that there’s a story behind this door.  We’ll never know the story but we sure can dream of how it was once used.  That’s the beautiful thing about marrying the old with the new.  It creates an architectural interest that cannot be replicated.  And not to worry, for all of those moms that think this isn’t kid friendly, my husband, God love him, attached a coiled wire that is attached to a bolt that is drilled into a stud.  This door isn’t going anywhere!

A few final points worth sharing:  I love the look of whimsical berries next to something that’s so structurally strong.  This creates visual interest and suggests that opposites DO attract.  Which would be evidence as to how I ended up with a man who could wear the same FD shirt every day of his life.  Another point worth noting, the weight along with the layer upon layer of the berries makes this space look rich and heavy; which, balances out the strong solid structure of the door that sits next to it.  Together, they’re a perfect pair.  But alone, it’s just another boring vase with berries on a random stand and a big ol’ wooden door.  And finally, the sign next to the door states the heart of our home, ‘Do Something Small with Great Love.’  Because that’s what we’re called to do.  Remember, of all things LOVE is the greatest and most powerful thing in the world.  So love someone today that’s hard to love.  And, do something small for the least of these.  Because at the end of the day, our children will become what they see.  And you my friend, are the most powerful demonstration of Love that God could ever bring into their little world.

Welcome Home. ❤


Breathing Life into Your Windows

The windows of a home are like the eyes to one’s soul.  Each one should serve a purpose and should welcome those on the outside in.  I think that’s why in every room I like mine symmetrical and formally adorned. 😉  So, I have three basic rules when designing a window while hunting for those perfectly paired panels.  But first, allow me to introduce you to our first model…




Tip Number One: Go All The Way.  I’ve come to learn that there are two people in life, maximizers and satisficers.  I’m a firm believer that you must maximize your vision and your budget to be happy in the end.  And if you’re reading this article, you’ve probably satisficed your way through your design plan.  It’s okay, we’ve all been there!  But this is the time I challenge you to get it right and go all the way.  If you picture floor to ceiling, go floor to ceiling!  If you picture thai silk panels, splurge for thai silk panels. In my opinion, if you’re going to invest your precious resources of time, energy and money, do it right. Everyone has a budget… We ALL have budgets.  And if you can’t afford to get what you want now, I encourage you to save up until it’s a reality.  

Tip Number Two: Go Up And Out.  I always extend my drapery rods at least ten inches above my window trim and out 12 inches on both sides.  This makes the window feel more substantial and sizeable in scale.  It also takes your sight line to the ceiling and provides additional texture to the space.  And if you know me, you know I love texture.  The perfect balance is when hardscaping meets soft scaping.  And, this happens when you have at least 30 inches of flowy goodness streaming down each side of her frame. 🙂  Oh, and be sure to let your panels ever so lightly graze the floor.  They shouldn’t sit on the floor, just gently brush your hardwoods or carpet.  No one ever saw a pair of high water (flood) pants they liked… Treat your draperies the same way.  Make sure they touch the ground!

Tip Number Three: Don’t Skimp On Your Hardware. Your hardware is like the body of that your panels hang from.  Compare that to the clothes that hang off of one’s body.  Let’s just be honest for a second… The stronger the body looks, the better the clothes will likely look hanging from one’s limbs.  Which means, you don’t need fancy clothes to look good! Do you understand what I’m saying?  Good. Okay then, let’s get back to draperies.  I always feel that you need a strong substantial piece of hardware to showcase your goods.  In this case, it just happens to be our rods.  I always like to use rods that are at least 1 1/4″ thick in diameter.  And, I like the finish of my rod to match my hardware in the space.  As an example, if my light fixture is bronze then I’ll likely select bronze drapery hardware.  And, if I select a chrome light fixture, I’ll select a polished nickel drapery rod.  Polished nickel and chrome are so similar it’s extremely difficult to tell the difference unless they’re side by side.  And if you’re looking for the budget friendly option of the two, go with chrome.  It’ll always save you money in the end and no one will ever know… 😉  And those clothes, (our panels) you can easily find cost effective options at West Elm, TargetZGallerie or HomeGoods.  And because you took my design savvy advice to purchase sturdy hardware, this will automatically make your panels feel refined, substantial and expensive.



This picture above contains products from Restoration Hardware, ZGallerie & Jonathan Adler. Please feel free to email me here if you have any questions! Follow these simple tips and you’ll be happy again to walk into your house and call it HOME. 🙂

Repurposing Our Children’s Hearts

I read an article this morning at the gym and it’s been on mind ever since. It was titled, ‘Mommy, Are We Rich?’  The next tag line goes onto add, “When your kids ask frank questions about your finances, try to view it as a teaching opportunity rather than a breach of privacy.”  This caught my attention for a couple of reasons.  Number one, why are we putting such an emphasis on status and wealth?  Number two, is this really what we’re teaching our kids to aspire to be, ‘rich?’  And last but not least, regardless of mommy’s answer, “Kid, you’re broke!”  There is no “We.”  Because you my darling, you will have to stumble, sacrifice, sweat and save to get where your father and I are today.  Sweet Kennedy, I love you; but you will need to learn the value of strong work ethic.  My job is not that of your own personal ATM; but one that will provide a paved path to the journey of your dreams.  Period.

As far as the article’s concerned, it was excellent.  One objective worth mentioning, is that a child’s curiosity may be a catalyst for teaching the simple lessons of money. Money, in my book, is the opportunity to offer a lesson in stewardship.  And this curiosity just may be the sign we need as a parent to begin this conversation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a first time parent and I’m sure I will make plenty of mistakes.  But I don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to pour into my child especially when she’s seeking my knowledge.  And I believe 90% of this journey is the awareness and intentionality of the process.

With that being said, what would I say? What does being ‘rich’ really mean? A dollar figure certainly does not guarantee happiness.  On the other hand, gratitude does.  When we offer gratitude, we are offering our gratefulness for what we are given no matter what that is.  Even in our deepest valleys, we need to thank God for that journey.  It is my deepest belief that God takes us through these valleys because He wants us to lean into Him.   Because without struggle, would we ever realize how much we need our faith. 

The second thing I would tell my child is that being ‘rich’ is having your health.  We take this for granted, everyday.  It isn’t until you lose it, you realize just how vital this is to our existence.  Take a moment and think, your doctor walks into the room and tells you you’ve been diagnosed with cancer.  And just then you wonder, will I have another year with my kids?  Will I see my daughter walk down the aisle?  Or what about a child that’s been diagnosed with a life threatening disease like diabetes.  You’re now answering to the stress of managing this disease and the costs that are incurred.  And everyone says they’re so sorry…. But what you’re really sorry about is that you had it all, and you didn’t even know it.  You’re rich at this very moment in time and you’re running so fast you’re not even aware… God has blessed you with two hands, two strong legs one powerful mind.  So, in light of this blessing and our lesson in stewardship we must use them.  And with this realization, He’s really drawing us near…  Because He loves us.  Which brings me to my final point.

This comes from 1 Corinthians 13:13, “Three things will last forever– And the greatest of these is love.”  If you can offer love in all circumstances, I believe you truly are rich.  Because it takes self-control and obedience to love those that have wronged you.  And if you choose to love, you are saying no to jealousy and yes to forgiveness.  You feel at peace within your soul and that’s the sweet spot God intended us all to live.  Everyday, we have a choice.  And each and every one of us will have to answer to that calling.  Will you choose to love?  It’s a beautiful thing really.  Because out of this unconditional love comes pure selflessness with no expectations in return.   And, when we offer unconditional love to others without the expectation of anything in return, the beauty of that reflection is so much greater to the world that surrounds you. 

So, what would I say to my children as it relates to the riches of the world.  I would say this… Sweet Kennedy, I love you.  You may only be 13 pounds; but you are rich, my dear.  Because when those eyes roll back into your head when you’ve had too much to drink, I know you’re grateful.  And when I see you developing and growing bigger everyday, I thank the Lord that you’re healthy.  Now that you’re almost five months, I finally see the way you light up when I enter the room; and for that, I know you feel love.  So please, don’t chase a dollar figure because this will never lead to happiness.  Instead, know that you are rich by fulfilling your purpose, everyday. 

This may be the time that we are called to intentionally repurpose our children’s hearts and renew the dreams of a rich future.  What are they chasing?  Have you asked them?  This is our time to pour into their tiny hearts and serve their souls reminding them that gratitude, health and love are the only riches they need to leave a legacy in this world they’ll so briefly call HOME.

Peace, Love & Repurposefully,

Melissa 🙂



Negotiating Your Design

This past week was a big week for us.  We added a new member to our family!  A new member you ask… Yes, a new member.  Because each and every one of them has a place and serves a purpose.  Yet, my husband says, the most beautiful thing about it is the reflection that it displays… Our Family.  Meet my new design solution for a Butler’s Pantry for less than $150.


I love it for a few reasons.  Number one, this puppy was originally $399 at ZGallerie.  And, I got it for $139.  How did this happen?? It ‘s a little thing I call divine intervention and a payoff for what I believe is good stewardship.  And, you would never know but it has a small crack in the bottom left corner.  This reduced the price down from $399 to $199 and because it just so happened to be a floor model, they wanted to get it off the floor ASAP.  Word to the wise: everything that’s a floor model is negotiable.  Just talk to the store manager.  They can make just about anything happen.  And just like that, they came down an extra $60.  The best part is to finish this space with custom cabinetry it was going to cost over $2,000.  Ridiculous!! What you can’t quite see in this picture above is that this mirror is placed upon a piece of granite that is part of what people call a “Butler’s Pantry.”  First of all, you may be wondering, what is a butler’s pantry and why do I need one? My thoughts exactly…  Number one, I don’t have a butler; and number two I already have a pantry! Last spring my builder decided to generously offer this unfinished space that we could simply finish off at a later time.  Simple enough, right? Well, when we calculated this was going to cost a couple G’s just to add cabinetry, we decided to get creative.  Now, my space is open, bright and is more beautiful than before because it reflects the faces of those I love.  And check out my sight line, now I can see the beautiful photos that extend up the stairway also drawing visual interest.


Design Takeaway: If you find a great deal, think outside the box! Get creative.  I didn’t set out looking for this but it inspired me and I knew I had to find a place to use this in my design.  Another great idea is to use this mirror with a basket of blankets, toys or towels in front to hide the blemish.  My second tip, most floor models are negotiable. I always try to go for an extra 10% off but in this case I was able to get 30%.  Become friends with the sales staff at your favorite stores.  They’re there to keep customers happy! Tip number three, shop on Thursday nights and Friday mornings… This is when retailers do their mark downs and you’re often able to get the best selection at the best price.   And last but not least, only buy if you LOVE it. There’s no reason to simply collect things that will collect dust because it’s a good deal.  This is what I mean about good stewardship.  Collect pieces that mean something and have a story to tell.  The older I become I realize less is really more… Thanks for taking a moment to allow me to share what I love in the place I call HOME.

Laying A New Foundation

I wanted to write about something that was on my heart tonight, so I am. Since returning back to work full-time after having my daughter four months ago my heart has been changed, forever. (This is not what you think this is… So just keep reading, I promise.)  In the past 120 days, my best friend lost her mother due to a brain aneurism, another very good friend’s father has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, another friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer and a colleague at work was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma this past week. What is happening? I’m not sure why God allows certain things to happen in this world; but I am sure of one thing. He hates it. He hates sin, suffering and brokenness and these friends and their families have been touched by all three of these. It breaks my heart to know that this is a part of their story and all I can do is offer my prayers and condolences. It just doesn’t feel like enough. On the other hand, it fills my heart with joy knowing that I have a precious life before me that God entrusted I care for during her time on this Earth. Why me? How did I get so lucky and when will my time run out? I find myself waiting for the goodness to unravel. This is why every day, every moment and every connection we make in this world matters. Hence, from this point forward, my perspective on life has forever changed.

As I mowed the grass this morning, I watched my neighbor meticulously wash and wax his new Porsche in the driveway. You could tell he was truly passionate about it… The careful direction he sprayed the power washer, the way dried ‘her’ off with a “special cloth” and waxed every single curve and detail in fancy fashion… I kept asking myself, what’s the point? I mean, I realize that this is one amazing form of transportation, but really, does this really matter? What if we put applied this much passion and energy into our relationships. What if others are so touched by our acts of selfless generosity and grace that they passed it onto others without hesitation? Isn’t that what we are called to do, especially in today’s culture? We live in a world of instant gratification where self-centeredness is king. When in reality our well has run dry of compassion, grace and self-love. We can do better. It’s not a choice; it’s a direction. We must do better. Our children are watching us and picking up on our every action. They see us looking at the phone because they think it must be pretty important… I mean, mom and dad look at that more than me. Or, the countless times we ladies complain about our bodies. What? My arms are a little flabby… Thank God you’ve given me two arms to wrap around my baby at night. Oh and my thighs are a little bigger this week… Thank God for Him giving me legs strong enough to bend down to pick up my precious one when she cries. Because one day, they won’t be and it’ll be too late. I pray my mind and heart continue to be transformed through spending time with Him. My prayer is that one day my children look at my life and see that I’ve loved Him first, and from that I was able to inspire others to live a better life and ultimately be a better human being leading others to do what is right.

So my goal: Stop setting my sights on tomorrow because today is today.  And that ‘s all we’re guaranteed in this moment.  And most importantly, love those that are hard to love (including myself), forgive those that are hard to forgive and extend grace to those that need to be graced… Because in the end, we’re all searching for the things that lay the foundation of a healthy heart and life; everlasting love, acceptance and a place to call HOME.

Finding our Heart in HOME.

These days my heart seeks simplicity like it never has before… As I drive through the winding roads of northern Indiana and admire God’s beautiful work hand painted with His grace, I’m reminded of the desires that lie buried deep within my soul.  Very rarely do I ever get the chance to take inventory of my life and be still long enough to give thanks for the blessings I’ve been given.  It’s in these moments I find the greatest joy because the noise of the world is stripped away.  There’s something so beautifully raw about nature that it never fails to inspire me to find a place for its presence within my home. Which brings me to my next design inspiration ❤

When my husband Ben and I chose this property to build our home, we were conscious to preserve as many trees as possible within our site.  However, not all trees made the cut.  So, as I stood back and took a look at the broken limbs and trees I began to wonder…  How could I take this wood and recycle it within my home?  When we began to lift the heavy logs and move them into the brush pile that’s when I came across one tree that had been cut with years of aging that made a heart-shaped design within.  I’ve always dreamed of building my own home and I swore when the day finally came I would pour my heart and soul into it.   In the meantime, Ben and I had prayed that He would lead us where one day we would raise a family of our own.  When I saw this I knew it was an answer from God.  Before the foundation had been laid, my heart was invested in this moment.  It’s one of those days that I’ll never forget.  And that’s when I knew this piece of nature would forever be a part of our story. 

Now for the dirty work… I wish I could say patience was part of my genetic makeup, but it’s not.  So, I went home and chucked this log on to Ben’s miter box to saw this puppy  into 1/4″ slivers; for which I then, would seal in mineral oil to create coasters for our home.  But not before a phone call to my husband to find out exactly what I was getting myself into.  I had never used this saw before and I wan’t afraid to learn how… on my own.  My husband knows by now that there’s no amount of bartering or bargaining to stop me from doing something once I set my mind to it.  And thus, after two trips to Lowe’s for the right mineral oil and three hours later, my design piece was complete!  Moral of the story: Follow your heart and never stop looking for opportunities to channel inspiration.  It’s not a house that makes a home.  It’s our heart and soul that we pour within the four walls that make it our own.  Welcome HOME.



Finding Inspiration

In every single one of my designs I always start with a piece that inspires me.  Since the build of our new home, I’ve recieved quite a few messages and texts from friends and family asking where to begin with their renovation or redesign.  I have three pieces of advice to you if you’re wondering the same question.  Number one, design your home or space around the way that you live.  Think about traffic patterns in your home and the needs of that space.  Don’t design for the way you think you’ll live.  Number two, focus on the sight lines in your space.  (I’ll get into this more in future posts.)  And number three, do what inspires you.  Find a piece you love and start there.  Which truly is an art of it’s own; and it’s where my design starts in this next image. 



In this picture, I found my inspiration piece, this mirror.  It’s made out of individual pieces of branches, twigs and recycled wood and came from the magical place called TJMaxx Homegoods.  🙂   And, it worked because it was the perfect way to achieve bringing the outdoors in our home.  I then paired that with the opposite, a perfectly patterned rug.  Putting two things together that are opposites create what I call well-balanced design.  This “imperfectly perfect” look is one that builds a story off of one another.  Add that with a pair of rainboots serving as a vase to beautiful hydrangeas and you have a look out of a magazine!  A few additional design tips I’ve learned over the years that applies to this back entry… For small spaces add a mirror.  This automatically reflects light and will make the space appear larger.  Tip number two, layer, layer, layer!! You see the trimwork in the back?  This immediately gives the space a layered look while adding depth.  And because this detail work is symmetrical and essentially “perfect” in scale and measure, if you pair that with two objects that are unexexpected in scale, (a branchy mirror and flowers) you have what I call beautiful design! Welcome HOME.

How To Create a Beautiful Back Entry

You know what they say… You only get one chance to make a first impression.  And according to Forbes Magazine, you only have seven seconds.  Which is why this first space I’m going to share with you is one of my absolute favorites, my back mudroom.  There’s something about someone welcoming you to their home through the back door.  It’s a sign that here in the midwest, you’re like family.  And I don’t care who you are, people love the feeling of being accepted and welcomed just like they’re back at home.  On the other hand, there’s also the sound of being welcome in through a “mudroom” that immediately lowers the expectations of anyone who enters.  Which is why, I love to give everyone that walks through the door a little of the unexpected.  Below are two pictures that share just that.





There’s so much going on in this design that I love.  The first part to this design is the lighting that centers and gravitates the space.  Lighting can make or break a design.  And here, you have both a hanging fixture and recessed lighting which create layers of light that flood the small entry.  The other aspect that I love is that this light is completely unexpected.  You would never see coral reef in the midwest.  However, if you’ve ever had a moment that you’ve come into contact, you’ve likely been on vacation or in an environment with loved ones gazing in amazement at its natural beauty.  This brings forth memories that take you back to a special place and immediately sets the tone for a relaxing and calming space. 

The second part of the design that I created was this floor to ceiling functional storage space.  This not only maximizes your storage capability but it also draws your sight line vertically which makes it feel grand in scale.  When our carpenter had initially built this cubby system it didn’t go to the ceiling.  The balance was off and it lacked the strength needed to ground the space.  It was almost like seeing my husband walk into a room with a plate full of kale, wheatgrass and quinoa holding a glass of chardonnay…  Everything about it felt wrong!  So, by designing a vertical header trimmed with crown and a little decorative trim, it now felt oh, so right. 🙂  Then, I accented this built-in system with dark cubbies in a natural weave texture to create the perfect balance.  And last but not least, topped off our design with handmade pillows that offered the perfect soft scaping to a hard exterior shell.  Two opposites always complement one another.  I loved this idea and couldn’t wait for it to come to life.  This design idea depicts exactly what this place is to all that enter, HOME.  I also added the text added “est. 2007” at the right hand corner of the last pillow to give a personal touch to the space.  This was the year that my husband and I were married and it really tells a story  of “us” as every home should.  Remember, your home is where your story begins.  Welcome HOME.

For more on this space, join me later this week for the second part of this design series. 

Peace, Love & Repurposefully,
