Custom Storage On A Dime

The first part to this series is an organizational solution to Kennedy’s closet.  Who knew you “needed” so many baby items?!  Deep down, we all know you don’t.  However, when you have your first little one those that love you are happy to bless you with all of the fun, {oh, you HAVE to have this!} things that every mom desires.  What to do next? Find a new home for these goods in the midst of nesting mode and your bound to realize a solution that blows anything store bought out of the park.  When I began this project I knew I had three things to balance.  Number one, a lack of space; number two, many baby goods that needed a new home; and number three, a storage solution that was not only attractive but also cost friendly.  So what is the solution to all of this? A fabric storage bin from Target with a little flare to spice things up 😉




So let’s talk about how to create these on your own.  You will need five things: a hot glue gun, ribbon, chalkboard for the front, a chalk marker and a tote of your choice.  But, before you do anything, you’re going to want to measure your space.  This is important!  And, if you have a blank space, this is even better.  Just make sure that your shelving is able to maximize the storage needed for the area you desire to organize.  The last thing you want to do is to trick out one of these puppies and have your little one hear you frustrated because your square peg doesn’t fit in a round hole. 😉  You follow?  Good!  I knew I loved these fabric totes…  They were simple, functional, cost effective and gave me a blank canvas to take in any direction that I chose.

The first thing I did was to lay out all of my items in front of me on the counter.  Now, deep down I should share I have roots that stick with me from my grandparents living through the depression… So, I am cheap!  With that being said, I only wrapped the ribbon around the front and midway on both sides.  Not all the way around the bin.  First step, cut your ribbon to the length you desire and glue (with the hot glue gun) one drop on each end.  Don’t glue the entire ribbon down from end to end.  Number one, you’re not preparing this guy to withstand gale force winds; and number two you don’t want that crinkled look from the glue drying to take away from the simplicity of the project.  In this case, less is really more.  Love that!

Once you get your ribbon cut and glued to your tote.  Then, adhere the chalkboard to the front!  It will be dry in literally seconds.  Then you can go ahead a label your new signage to the bin you just beautifully created.  It really couldn’t be any easier than that.

Now, a few tips: I purchased all of these items from Michael’s.  So, if you’re looking for a one stop shop, this is your place.  I wish I had a picture of this chalkboard piece before I attached it to this tote.  Because, essentially it had a stick (picture a popsicle stick) attached to the back of this chalkboard sign.  It’s use was likely intended to be placed in an herb garden or a birthday cake… But I knew it was perfect for this project. So, I just ripped that stick off because I loved the shape of the chalkboard part itself.  As for the ribbon, I actually layered two.  I loved the look of the opaque lacy flowers but I also wanted a material that had some substance to class it up.  That’s when I found that very thin strand of jewels to adhere to the bottom of the lacy ribbon. The chalk marker?  You can find that in the bridal section of Michael’s.  Trust me, it was the last place I looked; but isn’t that how it always goes?  Below you can see a few of the categories I chose to use in my creation. 🙂





Now, not only do I have storage solutions for bath time, socks, wipes, diapers, toys, littles {outgrown clothing} 12 months, 18 months and 24 month clothing… I also have something that makes me happy when I walk into her closet.  Because I know it’s personal and although they’re not perfect, they’re special.  And in life it’s those things that really count in the end. May this empower and inspire you to do the same in your HOME!



My Next Design Series…

So let me start out by saying, thank God my New Year’s Resolution was not to simplify.  If so, that deal was done on January 2nd, the day I returned back to work!  To be completely transparent, I’m running in way too many directions right now.  I literally feel like I’m at the center of a crossroad and my heart is moving one direction and my mind is moving in another.  Can you identify? If you can, please tell me how do I get these two on the same path?  That’s the million dollar question..  Since January 1st, I’ve fallen more in love with our daughter Kennedy after spending a good week at home with her.  I’ve also fallen in love with a new skin care line called Nerium that has been put on the back burner because of my day job.  And, do I need to state the obvious.. I simply love creating beautiful spaces in my home.  How in the heck do I marry these three?? I promise you this is not going to turn into a self-help blog; nobody’s got time for that.  But what I did want to give you was a slice of transparency.  And if you’re taking the time to read this, you deserve to know what’s around the corner. 🙂

So, in this next month I’m going to embark on a design series that focuses on “Organization Made Beautiful.”  When I think of organized, I think of a cubby system from kindergarden.  This is not what your little miss has in store.  My goal for you is to make these spaces equally as functional as beautiful.  Think, organized ways to whittle your waist.  😉 Or, fun crafts to do with your kids!  This is really a two for one deal folks… Get the kiddos occupied and teach them how to respect your tidiness??  C’mon, that’s a home run! So, in the next month expect the unveiling of my masterfully created master closet, our farmer’s market pantry, Kennedy’s closet system and how to utilize unique pieces to gain a tidy, organized space you call your own.  I look forward to sharing this all with you in the days to come!

May God bless you all and your HOME.



My high FIVE for the NYE

I’m a visionary.  I always have been and I’m pretty sure that’ll never change.  I always know the goal but it’s a challenge for me to put the steps in place to get there.  That’s why creating short, little goals has always been essential for me to be successful in life.  It’s funny the things you remember in life.  I can remember ten years ago at my Annual Girl’s Christmas Party back home in MI I was asked what I wanted to do… And all I knew is that I wanted to help create beautiful things.  I wasn’t sure what that was… Was it helping people become their best selves? Creating beautiful spaces? Making others feel beautiful on the outside knowing we all struggle inside with our own baggage?  Who really knows… All I’m sure of is that God has a plan.  And, His is always best.  I just need to persevere, remain positive and focus on that which is before me and do my very best.  That’s always been the goal.  I just truly believe that if you give it your very best every single day, you’ll never have regret.  Because you gave it your best and in any moment that’s all that really matters in the end.

So, what now? It’s December 31st and a full year of firsts lie before us.  What will we do with these 365 days?  My challenge to us all including myself is to do these five things below:

1.) Focus on the POSITIVE. I don’t know anyone who can’t benefit from this.  Here’s an example, when I came into the position I am currently in today our numbers were in the last 30% of the country.  I remember saying at the time, I know we can be at 110% at the end of the year.  That’s my goal! As soon as I said that statement aloud, with one swift breath, the wind was taken out of my sails.  According to some, we would be lucky to finish slighly above 100%.  It’s in the moments like these that we are defined.  I refused to believe this and from that point on we worked tirelessly to get to the top.  Believe in exceptional results and you will get exceptional results.  Believe you can and you will pave the way for your dreams to come true.  Two years later, we’re at the top of the country and if I were to give credit to anyone I would give it to the Lord.  Why?  Because He gave me strength when I wanted to give up.  It was always my goal to get in one more call… And to impact one more customer for the patient.  There’s no way I could do it alone and there’s no way you can either.  That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with GOOD people.  These are the people that build you up, that won’t let you fall and that care about you before their personal gain.  Lesson in the story, don’t settle for someone else’s standards of you.  Define your own and always, beat your best.

2.) Do Something SelfLESS Everyday.  Did I say, everyday?? Yes, everyday.  You’ve got to be crazy… If you remember one thing from this post, remember this.  Let go and let GOD.  In this past year, I’ve given more than I ever have and I’ve been blessed more than I ever have in my life.  I’ve given more of my time, my finances and more of myself to others.  And I feel more fulfilled than ever.  Now I will say, I have had an extremely challenging year as well.  However, I’ve always leaned on God before I’ve leaned on man.  What does this look like for you?  What can you give?  Can you give ten extra seconds of your time to hold open the door for a woman that’s thirty paces away from you?  Can you give your credit card back to the man at the drive thru to pay for the person behind you?  Can you look up and smile at the person walking past you that’s so focused on their destination that they don’t make time to enjoy the journey?  Can you take your child that you feel like was too greedy during the holidays to serve somewhere at a local shelter or in the community at an event?  What? You feel like you don’t have time on the weekends?  Well my friends, there will never be time unless you make it.  Make it happen today.  What if this is your last year?  You only have so much time to pour into your soul… Why put it off when the best you is just waiting to happen.  Why are you not good enough to tap into that spirit now? Give to others and it will bless you more than you could ever dream.

3.) Establish a new weekly activity and make that a routine. Define one goal that you currently would like to achieve personally or with your family and make it happen.  Let’s say the goal is getting into your Bible more. When are you most focused and when do you have that one time in your day that is uninterrupted? Identify when that is and make it yours.  Maybe you want to do family meals together, but you don’t have time? Set aside time on Sundays to pre-make three family meals for the week.  I guarantee you that if you plan for it, it will happen.  Life will happen no matter what.  But it’s the intentionality that makes these moments in life really separate themselves from the rest.

4.) Create One BIG Goal To Achieve This Year.  This one’s simple.  Write it down and make it happen.  What’s one big thing you want to do this year?  It could be a summer camping trip with your kids out west. Maybe its hosting a Bible Study or Life Group at your home…  Getting involved with a Charity? Or, just finally committing to being happy and feeling at peace with your personal baggage.  Whatever it is, identify what is getting in your way of your goal and ask a close friend or someone you trust, how to remove it.  Often times, it’s those around us that know us the best; but, they may not share these thoughts with you for fear it may hurt you.  But, if you ask willingly, more than likely, they will tell you the truth.  If someone tells you something you don’t like to hear, ask yourself first, Does this person have my best interest at heart?  Is there a grain of truth in what he/she has shared?  And does this person reflect the fruits of the spirit?  Meaning does this person possess kindness, gentleness, patience, etc.  If the answer to all three of these questions are yes; then listen wholeheartedly to what they have to tell you.  Remember, when you treat a cut, it tends to sting a little before it heals properly.

5.)  Be financially Savvy To Plan For The Future.  This one is also simple in theory but hard to do.  Decide where you want to be in 10 years, 5 years and 1 year and make small steps to get there.  For me, I create spreadsheets that outline exactly what I have to spend every month.  It may sound crazy, but I can tell you what I spent in 2012.  I know… Nerd Alert!  But, I once read those that lead a happier life are those that spend money on an experience rather than a tangible item.  So, I need to hold myself accountable to make those experiences happen for my family.  I believe it’s because experiences deliver memories which then bring positive thoughts and heart warming moments you’ll never forget.  I can’t tell you the last time a pretty pillow brought me profound joy.  Now, am I really telling you to forego your home good purchases?  Heck no!  But I am telling you to ask yourself before every purchase, is this a need or a want?  And if it’s a want, what am I really chasing?  Am I trying to do this to please others?  Or, does this item serve a functional purpose for my home?  Two totally separate things here.  I also set challenging goals for our family.  So, I tend to think, ‘Am I going to let this mirror stand in the way of me and my goal?’ Probably not.  If it doesn’t pay the bills around here, its going to have to prove a major case to earn it’s keep here in our home! 

If you’ve taken a step back to look at these from a 1,000 foot view, you’ll see that we’ve addressed long-range vision planning and short-term planning.  First we focused on the immediate and then transitioned into the long-range.  I believe, you have to be present in one another to take full advantage of both.  It’s a fine line but you can achieve both successfully with proper planning.  If you have any others to add, please feel free to share.  This is a safe place that drives traffic where others can learn from and take into their own home.  So, here’s to creating the BEST YET for you and those you love in 2015!! Say it with me… Happy New Year and May God Bless those you love and the beautiful place you call HOME!

Peace, Love & Joy,
